Contributor Flavio Bessig writes to tell us about an interesting book in German he read, that deals with Hurghada and its history : "A hotel! In the middle of the desert!? " grumbled Saad Hwaidak, when his brother said to him that he wanted build a hotel in Hurghada, on the Red Sea. But Mohamed Hweidak trusted in his idea and so began the staggering, successful story that is Red Sea Tourism. And so the drowsy small fishertown, within 20 years, became the most important touristic spot of Egypt. The book "Visionär am roten Meer" (written only in german) narrates about the rise of an uncommon entrepreneur and the exciting background of the recent egyptian history. Here is another more detailed review in the german language about this interesting book you can find on Amazon by clicking HERE : Es behandelt die Lebensgeschichte des Ägypters Mohamady Hwaidak - respektvoll genannt "El Mohamady". Beleuchtet wird auch der politische Hintergrund...