Water and Electricity Prices Increase

Mr. Mahmoud El Baroudi, General Manager of El Gouna has communicated in an email to homeowners new utility prices. Based on the government increase in Electricity prices that took effect July 1st, 2017 and the knock on effect to water preparation and delivery costs, new prices of El Gouna Electricity and Water will be applied, from July invoices, as follows: Electricity, EGP 1,35 per KW hour (previously EGP 0.95 KW/Hr, which represents a 40% increase). Soft Water, EGP 20 per cubic meter (previously EGP 18 per cubic meter, which represents an 11% increase). Irrigation Water, EGP 6,25 per cubic meter (previously EGP 5 per cubic meter, which represents a 25% increase.)