Water and Electricity Prices Increase

A communication from El Gouna Management was received by Homeowners announcing Water and Electricity price increases effective July 1st, 2018. Gouna News brings you this communication, as received, with formatting changes to improve readability. The reader should default to the El Gouna Management version of the communication in the event of any discrepancy between the two. Sweet Water price to be raised to EGP 25 per cubic meter (previously EGP 20 per cubic meter, a 25% increase). Irrigation Water price to be raised to EGP 7.8 per cubic meter (previously EGP 6.25 per cubic meter, a 25% increase). Electricity It is understood that a new scheme of consumption brackets will be implemented, reducing the total cost for the small and average homeowner while increasing the bill to the large consumer or business. The large consumer thus effectively subsidizing the smaller one. Previously the cost of Electricity was EGP 1.35 per KW/Hr f...